Directions - The Skyline area (it isn't any one specific
trail) can be accessed from either of two ends. The base trail is
actually the route of a future road.
From town, head up Fish Creek Falls Road (labeled Routt County
Road 32 on this map) approximately 2 miles to North Steamboat Blvd.
Turn right and follow the road to the end. The path starts between
the concrete barriers at the end of the road.
From the mountain, head up Steamboat Blvd., which takes off Mt.
Werner Road two blocks above the Chart House Restaurant. Follow the
road through the residential area, past the golf course, until you
cross the bridge over Fish Creek. The path starts between the
concrete barriers straight in front of you.
The base trail connecting the two roads is represented by the
lowest dashed line on the map. This is a relatively level section of
trail and is popular with hikers, bikers, joggers, and dog walkers
so please be aware of other users. On the map you will notice a
second trail running parallel to the base trail. This section is an
old double track about half way up the hill. The top loop is a
single track that follows the "skyline" of the hill.
As you see on the map, you get to the double track trail at four
different locations. The two single tracks off the base trail are
obvious. The other two come off Clearwater Trail which is the paved
road to the Steamboat water plant. Both these are great trails but
are more rocky than the two off the base trail. The only place you
could possible take a wrong turn on the upper loop would be to take
the trail (not shown) to the north at the upper right corner of the
loop. This is a poorly maintained, difficult trail that exits in the
Fish Creek Falls parking lot.